Nature’s Charge with Joseph McClendon III Part 2 (of 2)

We have to be in harmony with the Earth around us. The Earth is there for us to serve, so that it can serve us. Disconnection from nature is disconnection from who we are
— Joseph McClendon III
Season 1 Guest Reveal (19).png

YOUR KEY INSIGHTS from joseph mcclendon II

we are electrical beings

The exact electromagnetic current that's running through the Earth is the exact electromagnetic current that every living thing needs 25-50 Hz. And so the reason I go outside and the reason I encourage everybody to do it is you're charging your body. Go out and walk on the earth. Walk on the earth because the Earth is sending your electricity, it's charging you up. I encourage you to, but even the concrete, even around you're still getting the electricity coming into your body. And so it is very, very important for all of us to recognize that we are electrical beings, the current is constantly running through us.

fortify your 6 pillars

I have rituals and I have pillars. And these are some of the things that I teach. In terms of just that aspect of it, my energy and my health and things like that, there are six things:

  1. Air we breathe

  2. Water we drink

  3. Food we eat

  4. Thoughts we think

  5. Moves we make’

  6. Words we speak.

And so in those areas, I make sure that every day I'm doing something that fortifies those areas.”

The impact of the bass

“[The bass] taught me the discipline that it takes to achieve the emotion that I want to feel. My goal always is when I pick up a bass or I do anything at all, as I'm searching for that dopamine release. I'm searching for that to happen, so music allows me to get it, it's quicker than almost anything in my life. Let's say the second only to loving my son, but I can pick that thing up and because I have had the discipline to go through all the steps.

The greatest thing is that we're never playing all the time. And remember what I said, It helps me with the discipline to get to the emotion that I want to feel. The emotion I want to feel is that dopamine release when I hit note, or I play that right song or that kind of thing. But it's multi-faceted. I was professional for a long time, and I played in bands and played large concerts and things like that, and so the other reason at that time was because I had the joy of helping other people feel good, I would... I'd love to be part of a band or be a part of a song where other people going... I feels go to their dancing or something like that because I'm causing that joy in them. So it's both selfish because you're getting it for yourself, but then it's outwardly focused as well because you're helping to other people feel as well. It's been huge in my life because it is the one thing that I can honestly say there that I have done consistently my entire life since I'm five, six years old.”

2 things to do in the midst of covid-19

“There's a two things I recommend that people do, especially in these COVID times. First, grab some sort of instrument, and have fun with it and get lost in it for a moment. The other thing I encourage you were going to do is to get a freaking plant, even if it's just a plant that sits on your window and take care of it.

Taking care of a plant gets you outside of yourself. When you're looking at that plant, you're thinking, ‘Okay, well, I gotta take care of this plant, I gotta do it.’ You're not thinking about your problems when you're thinking about the plant. Second thing it is, plants give off the type of energy that we need constantly. The third thing it does is that plant gives you oxygen. If you walk to my house, in my office here, I got two big plants here, but every room in my house, there's a plant, because plants purify the air, they take in carbon oxide and they give off the best kind of oxygen. We're helping them and they help you. With all of those things, I think probably one of the greatest things is it gets you outside of your head yourself and gives you the opportunity to take care of something.”

final thoughts

“Absolutely pay attention to nature, 'cause it's always there. It's happening all around us. Mankind has been around for a long time, it has only shifted away from nature in the last 150 years. Up until then, it has been mostly nature. We have to be in harmony with the Earth around us. The earth is there for us to serve, so that it can serve us. Disconnection from nature is disconnection from who we are. And having said that, connecting with it and paying attention to it and being a part of it it, in some part of your day.. it gives back 'cause it is a loop... Remember that electricity is a loop, there's a negative and a positive, and there's the current that flows between the two constantly around. When you disconnect them, you don't have that flow. The more you physically and emotionally put your attention and intention on some part of nature, the more you're helping or the more you're helping the planet as well.

You can affect the world around you. You can affect other people. The more we put our attention and intention on something or somebody else, the more our lives flow better. I can honestly say I learned it inadvertently in the very beginning. Life is exactly what you dare to make it in, fortune favors the bold. The trick to life is to boldly step up and do something different. Life is much simpler than we've been led to believe.

Just because something is simple doesn't mean that it's not effective, and that stupid little thing can be something that's really simple, that could be the 1% that will change your life.”



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Darren Virassammy