Slowing Down to Go Fast with Joseph McClendon III Part 1 (of 2)

We are in the perfect opportunity to germinate ourselves.
— Joseph Mcclendon III
Season 1 Guest Reveal (17).png


AHA Moments

“I love what you said, they're about aha moments - That is when a belief system is challenged and possibly changed in an aha. There's an endorphins release, there's a dopamine release, there's a physical change in you, and that aids in shifting the belief, but here's why I believe it's so important.

All of us want change, all of us want to make some sort of change in our lives. There are several steps, but the first two steps are always know what you want, and then the second step is figure out what's stopping you from getting it. What is always stopping us from getting everything and what's causing us to get what we do have are our beliefs. Our beliefs about ourselves, about other people, and about the world around us. And so the richness of your belief will determine what behaviors you'll have and then the results that you'll get.

Here's the beliefs that you might have, but let me show you how to change them. As soon as we can change them, as soon as we have those aha moments and we make it go deeper inside of our nervous system, our whole lives change. So beliefs are just thoughts. They truly are, they're just visions, they're just pictures and words that we say. One simple thing that we can do is incantations, you say something over and over again, it turns into a belief... And you believe that about yourself. Now, that is why beliefs are so important, and that is the foundation of everything. When somebody says, ‘I wanna make a bunch of money, or I wanna have a better body, I wanna have this..’

I ask, ‘what do you believe right now, what do you believe about yourself right now? Through introspection you find out that people don't necessarily have healthy beliefs about themselves, or about making money, or about the world around us. Not to over-simplify it, but my job is easy, you just go in there and help them find out what their beliefs are and let let’s change them. And BOOM.. you start to get results.

Slowing down to go fast

“Nobody knows the work that goes into a garden. The lesson of patience, which means doing something with positive expectancy, but understanding that it may take some time. You know, I always say, we want what we want, we want to go further faster. We want what we want sooner rather than later, but that does not mean that you rush through stuff. Going slow oftentimes is going fast, but it's so difficult for us achievers because we want it now. But some things are going to take some time. I'd say the number one belief is to understand that patient is a virtue and it is necessary to go through things, and that doesn't mean that you sit around. I'll go out in the garden, germinate my seeds, pull the seeds in the ground and now, I gotta wait. There is nothing that I can do to make that thing poke through any faster than it's going to... So I have to be patient, but it doesn't mean that I don't do other things while that stock is growing. I move on and I fill my life with other things and enjoyable things, and other things that I've got to do while I'm being patient.”

a season of germination

“We are in a perfect opportunity to germinate right now, because we are knee deep in the COVID pause. Germination is when we take the seed, wrap it in a paper towel and wet that paper towel, and let it sit in a dark drawer. This causes a seed to sprout. If you took the seed and just put it in the earth and leave it there, it's going to take weeks before it does. But if you put it this way, it's gonna take just days. All that seed needs is water…that's it. That's all it needs, but also what we don't recognize is the darkness and the compact that it's placed in there, that's what makes that seed grow.

And so I use that as an example for human beings. Right now, we all have the opportunity, especially now, but we have it any time, to germinate ourselves. And what that means is to give ourselves all of the richness of the things. For me, germinating means reading another book, learning another skill, taking the time to work on your body. Do something with any extra time that you have - it compresses time. So while I put the seeds in the ground outside and I'm waiting for those seeds to grow, I know I gotta work on my body as well. So I'll spend some time working on my body, I'll do some exercising, I'll do some movement. I also know I gotta work on my mind, those five areas of our lives: our emotions, our finances, our physical body, our spirituality, and, our relationships, there's always something you can do on one of those.

And I'd go and I'd do something for all of them. Because you said something, these little micro changes, I say it's 1% a day. In all of those areas, in 365 days. You've done full circles. So you've grown 365%, 1% a day.”

How our motions create our emotional state

I'm gonna give you a practice, and when I say a practice or a rehearsal, practice doesn't make perfect. It makes better. Rehearsal means it's seeding it into your nervous system, so it becomes automatic. There are different ways to do that. When people are stuck, the word stuck, it describes what that person's physical body is like in that moment... It is stuck. It's not moving. And so when somebody is stuck, it means they're stuck on a thought, they're stuck in a physical position, and so the answer is to move... If I asked you to describe a person that's stuck, you'd say they're sitting in the chair with their head down, breathing shallow and slumped over, and that kind of thing, 'cause they are stuck. And so the trick is, and there's mechanics behind it, the trick is, is to abruptly move, it interrupts that pattern, and as soon as you do, several things happen.

So suppose your stuck, suppose you're frustrated, you're sitting somewhere and you recognize it. Immediately jump to your feet, take a deep breath, put a smile on your face and shake your body, move something in that moment. Because several things happen, number one, your brain releases something called dopamine, is the pleasure chemical that sends it through your body. The second thing that happens is that your blood starts to flow and you start to move and you start to get energy. It gets sent through your nervous system as electrical current, and so when you move, your blood starts to go to flow and dopamine goes through you and it stimulates your brain to think in possibility, and your brain starts to go, Okay, well, what else could this mean? Or, what should I do, what could I do? Consider the five areas: emotional, physical, financial, relationships and spiritual, and you just gotta go to one of those and look at those to see what could I do to this one area. Allow your brain to start thinking and it'll take you out of being stuck. It doesn't mean that it's going to solve your problem in that moment, what it does mean, This is gonna give you resources so that you can solve those problems. Nobody ever gets the solution to our problem slumped over and being stuck, we get the solution to our problems by moving.


moving forward into 2021

”And so there's gonna be ups and downs as we're sitting where we are right now, you gotta realize that this is gonna pass, and when it does, when this is going to the new normal, if you will, you're gonna look back and you're gonna say one of two things... What am I glad that I did during those times? So I germinated and now I'm prospering and thriving in my family's prospering and thriving... Or you're gonna say, What do I wish I would have done? And so, hindsight is 2020, but... So it's foresight. And so now is the time. Right now is the past. In the future, you're gonna look back and you're gonna go, Wow, that was then. And so to constantly ask you question yourself, the question, Would I be doing right now that's gonna germinate me, so the plants that are sprouting later might produce the best fruit?”



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Darren Virassammy