The Nature Connection with Chris Winfield and Jen Gottlieb Part 1 (of 2)

I really believe in the power of movement mixed with manifestation and actually embodying what you want and feeling it in your whole body as you move out in nature...

They say, believing is the secret, and so you can visualize it and you can think about it, but you can’t really believe it until you feel it, and I know for me... Movement makes me feel it.
— Jen Gottlieb
Season 1 Guest Reveal (12).png


On Fulfillment

“Once I really started living more on what we call the creative plane rather than the competitive plane, amazing things started happening. Where I really get fulfillment is seeing good things happen to good people. So the people that we work with, when something really big happens for them, that's more exciting to me and I get more fulfillment out of that than any amount of money that I make directly.. The more that I help, the more that I feel fulfilled. Being of service and helping people is always how I feel better.” -Chris Winfield

Practicing Gratitude

“I think one of the greatest practices for me has been just having a great gratitude practice and always writing a gratitude list. If I'm in a good place, I'm writing also a future gratitude list - being thankful for the things that haven't showed up yet. I write it out for the day of how I want the day to go. For me, a lot of times, my mind wants to go to the fear part of like, Oh, it's not gonna work out, or This is not gonna be good, so if I'm in that place of feeling already grateful for something to happen and I'm re-programming myself, my mind doesn't know the difference.” - Chris Winfield

“Every morning I woke up and I would write my gratitude list because I knew for a fact that it was impossible to be all sad, angry, anxious and grateful at the same time. Gratitude conquers all. When you feel grateful, it is impossible to feel lack... So every day I would start my day with that, and then I would say ‘today will be amazing, because..’” - Jen Gottlieb


“Something that I practice is just to remind myself that God works in mysterious ways, and it is this or something better. So everything that is happening is happening for us, and if we can flip it around and think this is happening for me. You don't really have to believe in anything 100%, because we're humans, and humans don't really believe in anything 100%, but you just have to believe a little bit more than you don't... Just a little bit. And so every morning, if I can just believe a little bit more than I don't, that if I do my gratitude, my future gratitude, if I start my day with a really strong intention and I just come from a place of love that the things that I want will manifest. They won't manifest necessarily in the way that I want them to, maybe they'll manifest in a better way, is something that's completely different, but way better.” - Jen Gottlieb



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Darren Virassammy