Nature: The Insanely Brilliant Teacher - Dov Baron Pt 2 (of 2)

Nature for me is this insanely brilliant teacher, because nature lives at the edge of magnificent beauty and magnificent threat.
— Dov Baron
Season 1 Guest Reveal (11).png

Dov Baron’s Profound Insights

Nature as the insanely brilliant teacher

“Nature for me, as you and I have talked about before, is this insanely brilliant teacher, because nature lives at the edge of magnificent beauty and magnificent threat. We are dynamically, spiritually pulled towards nature, everything in our being is pulled towards nature, and at the same time, every danger we have ever known, evolutionarily wise for an entire history of humanity. Nature is where the danger exists, and life is on that fine raised edge between those two places between the expression and the experience and the deliciousness of nature and the edge that could fall to the side, which is the danger and the threat, whether it's a Saber tooth tiger or whether it's falling off a mountain.”

The practice of evoking emotion through nature

“Nature is permission. It's permission to be in awe of the beauty of the magnificence. Nature is permission, and we live in a society that wants to remove that permission, so we remove all of the nature away for months. But nature gives you a connection to what is beautiful, what is magnificent, what is in raging, what brings out the fury and you what impassioned you...

Nature is created by the creative force of the universe, that you might call God. And if you are making the likeness and image of that thing, then you are a creator, so you interact with creation.

Every time you create, you evoke... Every time I create a podcast, every time I create a book, every time I create an article, I'm looking to evoke emotion. You might go with this is very logical and sensible, but you won't do a damn thing unless you feel the emotion of it. That's what nature gives us permission to do, and it just says we can.”

Nature is creation - and we are all artists

“So again, part of the challenge is this, we as humans, we love to categorize things as right, wrong, good, bad, black, white. That is a trap and is always going to be a trap. What we have to look at is where is the beauty in the ugly? Where is the ugly in the beauty? Where is the black and the white? Whereas the yin and the yang? Where is the right and the wrong? Where is the wrong in the right? By that we remain curious.

Nature is creation, and we are all artists, we are creators. So it is your nature to create but you cannot create without observing creation. You are catalyzed into creation by creation. Creation is in nature, because nature has evolved, and we are evolving creatures who cling to certainty. This is the dichotomy of human beings - we cling to what is certain, and we desire which is uncertain. Nature is in a constant state of evolution. You may not notice the change between the seed and the tree because it's so slow. You may dig out the seed and say, Well, why isn't anything happening? But just because you can't see it, it doesn't mean it's not happening. And this is how we have to learn to be with life. Nature is the teacher of patience, nature has its four seasons.

This is why we need to understand that to understand life, we will stop and pay attention to what is going on in front of us, because there is nothing that is stagnant, even in that which appears to be stagnant…”



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