How Nature Unites Us in Life & Business with Mike Michalowicz Part 1 (of 2)

Nature knows the answers, so why try to invent the answer... Look in nature.
— Mike Michalowicz
Season 1 Guest Reveal (14).png


Mike’s mission

“So I can say it in three words: Eradicate Entrepreneurial Poverty. That's my mission on this planet. This bracelet, this medal says eradicate entrepreneurial poverty. I keep it here for two reasons, one is it's on the palm side of my wrist, which means where the most blood flow is. So the visual for me is that my blood is pumping through this mission of mine constantly, and it's a little bit a bulk, so I hit it and I'm reminded constantly.

The second thing is, there's a book called The Alter Ego Effect by Todd Herman, which is about owning an alter ego... Well, I was blessed that Simon Sinek gave me a copy. To me, he says, “You're the entrepreneur patron saint.” So when I'm on stage, I actually turn this, and that's when I go on EPS mode, no longer Mike presenting, now is the Entrepreneur’s Patron Saint. I have to deliver on this. It’s a mechanism for living into our hearts when we take the field, we must embody the character who we want on that field. But if we think that we're that character all the time, it's impossible to maintain that degree of energy.

So my mission is to eradicate entrepreneurial poverty. My reason behind it is because I've experienced it. Entrepreneurial poverty is when there is a gap. If you start a business, you know this of the struggle, the hard work, the lack of money, and my mission is to close that gap.”

The survival trap

“Most probably starts their business with two primary goals: financial freedom and personal freedom, with the thought: I wanna be able to do what what I want and have control of my own life, and I wanna get wealthy doing it, or at least live a life where I don't have to worry about money. That's usually the two primary focuses, and the irony is the two things we usually don't get our financial freedom and personal freedom. That is the vast majority of businesses.

Wherever we are today in our business, in this moment, there is a way out, but the most common way we take is the obvious apparent resolution. We don't enough money coming in, so you think, I need make sales. Therefore, you decide that I will run a discount today, or I'm gonna hire a rainmaker, and we take all these different actions. Well, if you're drawing the letter A on a piece of paper, put in a circle, we call that your current moment where you are today. An arrow in any single direction gets you away from A... But if you have a clear direction to head in, you'll find that maybe point B is on the right side of the paper, but you're doing arrows up, down and left, sometimes we take actions in the moment to survive that take us further away from where we're destined to be our vision. That's why most businesses struggle, there's no consideration for the future where we intend to be, there's simply consideration for how to get out of the desperation of the moment.”

Walking the same path

“I’ve noticed my pattern is to repeat things over and over again. When I go for a run, I will run the same route in one year, probably 50 times minimally. And what happens is in the repetition, the things start to become apparent. It's unbelievable. I want to walk a path to say, what patterns do I see? And then things begin to reveal themselves. I just actually do the exact same thing over and over and over, and then something new does present itself….There is no wrong path. Just get out there.



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