Nature and Human Behavior Hacking with Hilary Porta Part 1 (of 2)

Mother Nature has all the wisdom
— Hilary Porta


Hilary Porta is Founder of R3 International, Inc. & Principal and CEO of H Porta et al., a bespoke boutique strategy and leading-edge transformational consultancy based out of NC with satellite offices in FL and the UK. Hilary is trusted by start-ups to Fortune 500 CEOs, industry titans, professional athletes, motorsports professionals, Hollywood film producers, actors/influencers, members of elite military forces, attorneys, financial advisors, higher education, high-performance professionals and serial entrepreneurs globally to architect a life and business with intention and purpose that creates generational impact. Hilary's frameworks have been implemented by the most prominent organizations in the world. From sharing international stages with the likes of Dr. Deepak Chopra + hundreds of experts globally to hosting Masterminds, VIP Intensives, retreats and facilitating workshops, Hilary is also a contributing writer to 35+ publications, including Forbes, Medium, Thrive Global, Elephant Journal, Tiny Buddha, PsychAlive, The Conscious Magazine, Chief Information Officer and a handful of other publications. She is a Top Success Coach, Life Architect & Business Alchemist, an expert in human behavior hacking, business development & optimization and most importantly mindset.

Human Behavior Hacking

Really, it comes down to flipping the script. We've been conditioned and patterned in such a way that we have these unhealthy patterns of behavior that keep us from having our biggest impact, influence, and things of that nature. And so I get to go in, I'm an advanced PSYCH-K® Practitioner, and I really combine that with MA, which is Metaphysical Anatomy. And I go in with the subconscious. And I recode and rewrite. It’s just wonderful, because we have these things that our subconscious has picked up over the years, it starts very young. And so they become limiting beliefs. Because of that, it keeps us from playing all out really epically. So what I do is I just get to go in and I get to recode over that and then put some strategy and a framework together and off we go. So it's really fun.”

“People don't realize that behaviors are really just habits that they formed over time. You can form really good ones, you can form really bad ones. A lot of the time we don't even realize that we have had things that have happened to us as children that we've stuffed so far. It's not that it's in our conscious mind. We don't think about it all the time. But it's the things that keep us from feeling enough, or keep us from feeling like we deserve.. it keeps people in scarcity and in fear. I'm not going to get that promotion, I'm never going to get that promotion. I don't deserve that promotion. I can't live like the rest of the people do. I'll never have that much money.

And most people don't realize that it’s coming from your subconscious. And so you know, things that we hear in childhood…. Like, you're never going to amount to much, or, we can't afford that, or that's just too expensive… these things become actuality. It's data. Because your subconscious doesn't have feelings. So it becomes data. And so then when you get out of that familiar pattern, your subconscious and brain hijacks and says, Oh, that's not familiar. No, no, no. And so it keeps you right where you are until you reach out over it. I've had people that come to me all the time, with ADHD, and they'll say, oh, but you know, I understand my doctor said, I had ADHD have been on medication. I'm like, What, do you like having something in one day? And they're like, of course not. And so we can really recode over that. And then it's really interesting, because they're like, what's going on? I'm like, this is what's called focus and peace. And here you go. It's just being. It's having gone through a set of protocols that took me quite a while to learn how to access it. When you get it, the root out of it, then you can really, literally recode over and rewire and you can you can be well, so absolutely.”

on the impact of a negativity mindset

“You lose weeks, months, years… you have lost opportunity of being able to walk fully into yourself and your calling and to live congruent. Sometimes people have fears and addictions and that keeps them from fully engaging into what they could have. The majority of what I've seen over the last decade is that it boils fundamentally down to I've been taught, I'm really not worthy. I've had some childhood trauma that taught me that I should protect myself, rather than going fully in…that I need to play small. So when you get all these things and you put them together, it's a toxic cocktail. And so you asked me what the trajectory looks like. And truthfully, it looks like someone coming to me that's 50 years old, and saying, I just can't do this anymore. What happens most of the time is that it manifests itself physically, in some sort of disease. And so that's what truly happens when you don't deal with this stuff that's kind of underneath. It will manifest itself out physically.”

The transforming of your mind

“Mother Nature has all the wisdom. And everything that happens is through our lens of our experiences, and what we think. So if you can get really tuned in to who you are, and tap in with deep clarity of what you want.. what most people don't realize is that they're creating what their experience is going to be.

So if I just kind of start my day off right, and just jump out of bed… or actually getting on my phone, and all of a sudden, I see all these things, and I get envious. Or I begin comparing everybody to everything, and then my vibration decides to get low, and I start getting cranky, and then I just trudge through my day. If I back it up, and I get really intentional, I know who I am, know what I want, know what I want to create for myself and for others, then Monday looks different then how I started. You can really set yourself up. There's some high-performing habits. I call them holy habits. It's meditation, it's grounding, it's anchoring, it's gratitude. Those all elevate your vibration, and your vibration is what's coming to you from an energetic standpoint. Just take, for example, a red Porsche. If you've got your mind set on a red Porsche, or if you've got your mind set on a certain vehicle, every time you're out, that’s what you are going to see.“

“So what you focus on and what you think about is really going to happen and materialize for you. And so that's why it's so important to meditate and visualize. It's the constant renewing of your mind, the transforming of your mind. So that's the thing that you need to do in order to create what you want to have. You're going to create a really positive experience for yourself, or you're going to create a really negative one. So it's really is choice, it comes down to choice.”

Programming Joy

People have forgotten that they've got this enormous super-computer over here that they can program. You could program joy, just as well as you can program depression. I hear so many people talking about, Oh, I'm so anxious, I'm depressed, I have this disease... And all they do is talk about it and focus on it. So they're programming their brain to have it. I've worked with so many people that have even been able to get out of a wheelchair within an hour using protocols that I use. They've spent tens of thousands of dollars, and the doctors, they're keeping them there. They're not meaning to, it's just not something that is in their area of study. I'm not trying to doctor bash, I'm just saying traditional medicine doesn't address the things at the root. And so when you do, things change. You have to learn that you can program your computer however you want. You can wake up with joy, you can make a choice for joy, you can make a choice for being stressed out and hustling and this and that. I mean, it all comes down to a choice. It really does.”



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