The Science of Heart Intelligence with Julie Reisler Part 1 (of 2)

Nature is my teacher…it really has changed my life.
— Julie Reisler


Julie Reisler, founder and CEO of Empowered Living, is a Master Transformational Coach, Bestselling Author, TEDx Speaker, and Podcast Host of The You-est You®️.

Julie has been featured in Forbes, MindBodyGreen, The Chopra Center, and Thrive Global and is the author of the Get a PhD in YOU book series. She is a multi-time TEDx speaker and teacher on the popular app, Insight Timer, with over 145,000 downloads.

Julie is also the founder of the Life Designer® Coaching Certification Academy and Sacredology® Community. Julie has a master's degree in health and wellness coaching and is on the faculty at Georgetown University in their coaching program. She loves guiding big-hearted spiritual entrepreneurs to be their ‘You-est You’ in their careers and life. To learn more about Julie, go to

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A long windy journey

“And I found myself with my hand in a huge, huge bag of m&ms. I couldn't stop eating them. I really considered ending my life that night, I was so desperate. It feels so nuts now because I'm in such a different place. But I was really at a low point and I thankfully knew of a support group that helps people that are struggling with eating issues and that really opened the door. But I'll tell you, that experience of starting to let go of shame and be vulnerable - a lot of my healing happened both in community with friendships and in nature. I did a lot of healing by spending time on walks, hiking, getting outside and around energy and nature, which naturally holds that space of comfort and health and well-being.

In that process, I ended up doing a few more U turns in my life. I'm an experiential learner… I ended one marriage and ended up as a single mom working full time and I had a health crisis. And then I realized through a coach that I worked with, it changed my life, and I decided or it decided through me that I had to get into that work. I started coaching for a very well known personal development program. And then I ended up going back and getting my master's degree in coaching and fell in love with this work because it changed my life and I saw the power of the medicine of questions of listening and curiosity. I started my own business about seven years ago and have not looked back. But I'll say that everything that I do teach, I try to embody. For me, it's a daily reprieve, a daily practice. I always have a coach myself. I'm obsessed with this world of personal growth. It's been a long, windy journey.”

intuition as a superpower

The thing that really had me listen and take a different action, which is miraculous, because I had struggled a long time with using food and over eating, was my intuition. I heard an inner inner that said, if you get yourself to a support group meeting, your whole life would change. And that is one of the reasons that one of the most important aspects of what I do and teach is around intuition. Each of us has that superpower. And it shows up different for everyone. And I've done a lot of work with HeartMath, which studies the science of heart intelligence and intuition.

So there's a lot of science and research behind actually processing information from around us in our heart first. That moment was transformative. I am so grateful that I listened to it. And I just think of people all the time who get those messages and may not listen - either afraid or numbing themselves and to me, it saved my life. It happened a couple other times like that. So it was a gift. I think it's very suited what you said - it is absolutely a gift to change everything. It didn't feel like it then, I can be honest with you. I was bawling and crying. I was so embarrassed. It was the last place in the world I ever wanted to see myself was in a 12 Step meeting for people that struggle with food. Yet, it was it was the beginning of a full transformation.”

the science of heart intelligence

“So I am definitely not an expert or scientist, but I will say and I'll recommend a couple of people. The HeartMath Institute, is an amazing organization that I’ve been very fortunate to have gotten to know Dr. Rollin McCraty, the head scientist, and Dr. Deborah Rozman CEO with her husband. HeartMath has spent over the last 30 years studying literally intelligence in the heart - heart intelligence. So you know, we think about you grow up listen to your heart, right? Yet, people like Dr. McCrady, Ron McCready have studied done studies around what's called Heart coherence, heart-brain coherence. So we're all made of energy. I think we can agree upon that. We're all made of energy, this whole universe is, our planet is different forms of energy that are moving at different speeds and vibrations… . and we have a magnetic field. Our cells have a certain amount of energy, we have a magnetic field that we emanate, and it 60 times greater or more magnetic around your heart, the field around your heart, than in other parts of your body, including your brain.

So what they have found is really interesting. There are practices we can do getting into heart coherence. It's really getting in a state of heart qualities, appreciation, care, compassion..when you get into that state and feel that you actually shift the way that your heart and mind connect and communicate. And you can get into what's called heart mind, heart brain coherence, which can help connect to intuition, to inner wisdom, heart intelligence. So it's a real thing, it's just starting to become a little bit more mainstream.”

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