A Beautiful Transition to Nature with Amber Dugger Part 1 (of 2)

No matter what, my work day is always going to include being outside, being connected to nature, and really getting back to what I know we are all meant to be which is really enjoying that beautiful space.
— Amber Dugger


Amber Dugger is the founder of Profit For Keeps, a system developed for online entrepreneurs to end the stress and anxiety around numbers. It is a holistic system combining personal finance and business cash flow strategies using Profit First and YNAB (You Need a Budget). She has helped hundreds of coaches implement this system and has helped thousands more calculate revenue goals that actually make sense! She is a certified health coach from IIN and worked in corporate finance for 15 years before venturing out on her own in 2015 and thrives on being location independent. She loves traveling, wine, bicycles, knitting, and a good cup of tea (if in England) and coffee (if in Italy). Sweet Life, Purposeful Money is a high vibe community of virtual service-based entrepreneurs seeking a group to up-level their money game. Join in the fun here! www.amberdugger.com/community

Gift for listeners/participants - Free profitability and revenue calculator: https://amberdugger.com/calculator

Lessons in bali

“While I was becoming a health coach and going through this 30 hour a week certification for a year, I was getting exposed to a lot of different teachers. And it was really interesting. And while I was doing that I had always been a podcast listener very early on. I'm a knitter. Knitters are kind of the pioneers of listening to podcasts, because it's a beautiful thing to accompany knitting. And so I was listening to a podcast that actually inspired me to become a certified health coach. And then a year later when I left corporate, I was listening to a podcast that was actually suited for health coaches looking to go full time. And there was a health coach in London, who was in a very similar situation as I had been. She left corporate and she was working at a co-working space in London. And she just felt like she was floundering every day just looking at everyone's badges and going, what the heck did I just do? And I was feeling the same way. I would see everyone with their badges, and it triggered me and it made me feel like, Oh, man, I am so ridiculously stupid for leaving such a high-paying job to be sitting here feeling like my nervous system was shot. My heart rate was constantly up.

So it was on this podcast, a girl heard about Tribewanted, which was in Bali, Indonesia. She said it was a whole bunch of entrepreneurs that were either starting out or were doing startups. And so the idea was that we all feel this way. And so 50% of the time is focused on working on our own business, 25% is helping each other out with specific skill sets, and the other 25% was exploring the island. And that was just a dream come true for me. I thought, Oh my gosh. So within five minutes of listening to this podcast, I call my boyfriend, now husband, and I say, I need you to listen to this podcast as soon as I get home. He listened five minutes in and he stopped it. And he said, So when are you going? And three weeks later, (it would have been much faster than that if I had not already had a speaking engagement that I had scheduled), I was there. And it was a beautiful, incredible experience and also was where I really learned that you can't escape yourself. And I was sitting in a beautiful, raw vegan restaurant overlooking the jungle and a beautiful river below, having this gorgeous plate a food that I paid like $3 for. And I was spiraling inside. I was so scared. And I was just thinking so many negative thoughts. And it was that first point of awareness of wow, this had nothing to do with DC, this had nothing to do with suppressive supervisors, this had nothing to do with the cutthroat energy that's in DC… This is coming from me. What am I thinking that's creating this feeling inside?

That was such a great and beautiful revelation of knowing that you can have everything you think you want, right in front of you. And if you haven't reconciled what's going on inside, it just doesn't matter. And so Bali did many things for me. But that being one, and also really allowing me to pivot into what I do now, which is focusing much more on the holistic and feminine and masculine properties of money, and both having a practical system, but also looking at all of the emotion and feeling and energy behind that. And I'm very grateful to Bali for that.

path of elevating consciouness

“I think that it is one of those things that when you are on your path of elevating consciousness and on your path of recognizing that we are all one, and that we all are shared energy, that we have two separate identities, and we have that awareness of that inner purpose. I think when we're on that path, nature provides a natural and involuntary opening to that awareness, because it's almost next to impossible to not see this immense, immense beauty.

Once you have recognized that there is this beautiful space, then there's this beautiful present moment. That's all we ever have is this present moment that we can then utilize any place where we know that we have nature right there. It's almost like a gateway of awareness in my mind. But it's also one of those things where the more that we become aware of it, the more we crave it. And the less we are attached to the materials that we have in our world.”

masculine and feminine side of money

“I believe that without our nervous system being settled, it's impossible for us to tap into the feminine side of money in the way that it's meant to. And so I think that a lot of times individuals focus on the masculine side, which is more around the practical systems and organization of money. We could use the words budgeting, or forecasting, or reverse engineering revenue goals. As a business owner, those things are really important. And they're important for us to be able to truly have the ability to tap into our creative mechanism, which if you've read psycho cybernetics, we have this beautiful ability to look or feel into what it is that we want to go to. And our brain and outside sources provide us that path to that place. And so when we have a revenue goal, that means something to us, such as really thinking about, What is it going to require for us as a family, to be able to sustain ourselves in Barbados? What are the business expenses that we still want to be maintaining? Then, reverse engineer revenue goals so that you can do some analysis, that's all the masculine side of money.

I think it's just equally as important as the feminine side. I think there's a lot of talk right now of this imbalance of masculine and feminine energy in many ways. But I think where we're going a little too far is bringing it more to the other side and not having an actual true synergy or balance. And so I want to make it really clear that I think these aspects of the masculine side of energy are very important. The reason they're so important is yes, it allows us with our outer purpose to be able to have really clear metrics to be able to compare to make analysis, to make next steps and as a visionary, be able to see what gaps are in place. What it really also does though, is it helps settle the nervous system so that we can truly tap into our creative potential and so that we can be able to hear, really from nature. We can go on these longer walks and just allow our brain to diffuse and go into that diffuse state.

And so that the feminine side of money is where we're really looking at the fact that it's truly not, it's a neutral energy. It's not a good thing, it's not a bad thing. And this is where we start to be able to see some parallels with higher levels of consciousness as well. When we are looking at money as a neutral source… so that just constant, just being curious and aware, but not reacting to the information with the feminine side of money. Knowing that we are all divinely supported, knowing that we are in a karmic flow of money, a karmic cycle of money…

You've heard all of those stories, where people are down to the last dollar, and then all of a sudden, they get a check in the mail or they are able to take out a loan that’s able to get them through a harder time. We all have the ability to be divinely supported, we just must be open to receive it. And so the feminine side of money is more on the wealth consciousness side, where we are healing our relationship with money, recognizing that a lot of our childhood paradigms around money are simply societal constructs that we can choose to release, if we desire that. We can create our own paradigm around money and allow it to really serve the ripple effect or the greater impact of good. And I just love working with impact driven entrepreneurs that recognize that they're on this journey of elevating their own consciousness, and through that, beginning to see that they have their needs met. And their company is meant to be creating this additional money, which I call Profit for Joy, that is focused on that bigger impact and change. But I really view it as the masculine being more of a pragmatic, practical system and budgeting and the feminine side being more of the relationship and the emotions and the behavior around it.“

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Darren Virassammy