Finding Your Flow State Through Nature - Dov Baron Part 1 (of 2)

Nature is the key to flow state and I feel it... So for me, if I want to get connected, I go to flow state.
— dov baron
Season 1 Guest Reveal (10).png

Key insights from dov baron

Nature is the key to flow state....
— Dov Baron

“So for me, if I wanna get connected, I go to flow state. When I go into water, all stress immediately dissolves. No, I was not a good swimmer, I was not strong, but that sense of even battling with that nature gave me a deep sense of connection. I just love snorkeling, I actually love snorkeling more than diving and just being on the water and just sort of maneuvering my way through and watching things just swim past me, it's very much a flow state.”

I want to live by water, as you know, I live about 30 seconds from the water. I can literally look out onto the ocean at any moment, and even though I'm not in it, there's a connection that is so deep. For me, it’s stress removing and connecting me to the flow of life”

73% of your body is made of water, you are naturally in resonance with water, you spend the first nine months of your life living in liquid... Water is part of our nature

It is our very basic nature, and what we know is that sound, energy, and frequency all travel much more efficiently in water. There is a natural connective element around fluidity and water. We talk about being in the flow - What is flow? Its fluidity. What its fluidity? It's liquid.

We are naturally connected to water. Some people say, I'm afraid of the water, I'm afraid of swimming. That's learned. Your nature is to be comfortable in water - babies don't need to be taught to swim. There's a huge amount of research, around taking babies who are less than three months old and putting them in water and they're comfortable. They don't sink, they float because they understand the nature - that's where they're supposed to be. But we get panicked because we have parents who impact us with messages like, Oh, be careful in the water you might drown. If you watch children, you know that when a small child falls over, the first thing it does is it looks up at the parent to see the reaction of the parent because children are reactive…

Nature provides us with negative ions. Negative ions charge the buzz positively, and the stress relief is amazing..
— Dov Baron

”I felt like Superman. I said, let's free climb - soaking wet, no chalk, the wrong shoes, and definitely not the right clothing, and no safety lines. At about a 120 feet, which was about 12 stories, I reached for a rock. The rock dislodged bigger rock into my face and sent me hurtling down at maximum velocity onto the boulders below, smashing me to pieces…

My jaw was shattered into five pieces, so I should not have been able to speak in any audible or understandable way, but somehow he worked out that I said, “move me” (and we all know you don't move people who have fell onto their back). But he picked me up and moved me just a few feet away. Within seconds, the rocks collapsed and buried the spot I was in…”



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Darren Virassammy