Recognizing the Nature of Music with Victor Wooten Pt 3 (of 3) - Nature Advantage Podcast Episode 4

When you really get into nature, you start to reach the invisible, and it starts to seem like magic, and it is magic.
— Victor Wooten
Season 1 Guest Reveal (6).png

Join us as we conclude our conversation with Grammy-Award winning American bassist and author, Victor Wooten, as he leaves us with his best practices that we can apply to create our own Nature Advantage.

Final Words + Simple Practices From Victor Wooten

During quarantine, consider—

what are you doing differently? What am I doing that I wasn’t doing before? What do I want to continue doing?

Make a new list of those things, and do as much of those things now to make them a habit.

This is the best way to come back better than normal.

Normal got us to this crazy place, and we need to come back better than normal. Many may waste this moment wishing we were somewhere else rather than realizing where we are and making the most of it. If we all make sure that we as individuals are better, there is no way to come back to a better world. Don’t waste this moment wishing we were somewhere else.

It is beneficial to look at yourself, what you do in life and what you love to do, and see how it affects other people.

Is it just making me richer, whether it's money or emotionally, or is it really helping the world?

When what you’re doing is helping the world, it becomes easier because then the world is helping you back. Consider how your work and goals impact others.

Tie everything we do to the world, and make sure that the world is benefiting.

Find a set spot, and take a moment to sit and reflect. This could only be just for a few minutes on a given day, or even 30 seconds, and consider: How is your work connecting to the world? This is the best kind of selfish that we can be.



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